Monday, November 24, 2008

Helpful Camping Tips

Here is a list of important items you may need when camping:
1. Ironing Board - you always wanna look your best.
2. Iron - helps with the ironing process plus it makes great toast
3. T.V. - always passes the time more quickly when ironing
4. Paint - good for marking trails so you don't get lost or just sprucing up nature
5. Wall Clock - for telling the time . . . silly.
6. Blender - for mixing up wild berries for a healthy smoothy.
7. Basket ball - Could serve as another seat around the campfire. Sure beats those hard rocks.
8. Tennis racket - For killing the giant mosquitos
9. Inflatable pool - Who wants to swim in the muddy river?
10. Paint Brush - Goes with number 4 unless you prefer to use your hands.
11. Bible - Great to have if you run into a revival tent meeting.
12. Telephone - Just incase you burn the hot dogs you can order pizza.

Things you don't really need when camping:
1. Sleeping bag and Pillow - Come on, your in the backyard go in and sleep in your nice comfy bed
2. Saw - You're camping not building a house
3. Flashlight - Have your dad turn on the flood lights
4. Canteen - You've got all the water you need from the inflatable pool.
5. Tent - Sleep in the car it's more comfortable.
6. Backpack - That's why you bring friends with you. Let them carry it all.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let me Google that for ya.

Need an Illustrator?
I know just the one.
Click here

Monday, November 17, 2008

Fall Colors

The other day I was on my way home from running an errand when I saw these incredible fall colors. Unfortunatly I didn't have my camera so I took note of the time and the next day drove back and took this picture.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

ipod paper

Paul Howalt has created a cool site for downloading fun, unique, cool wallpapers for your iphone or ipod touch. Best of all it's free. I just created 12 different original wallpapers for the site check them out at
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